Look right, look left then cross the road. Always wear your seat belt. Don't sniff petrol (or gas, if you are an American) even though it is more expensive than drugs. It's a safety conscious world that we live in. Governments tax alcohol mercilessly yet tell us to "drink responsibly". However, you can still find a rebel if you want to find one and Ali Spagnola makes the grade with a second instalment of her irresponsible/amusing/downright stupid "Power Hour" drinking game.
I say second instalment but, due to the thorough and completely scientific testing undertaken with the first instalment, what happened before is lost in a bit of a fog. However, some songs definitely reappear such as the quirky "Text Someone That's Not Here" and the confessional "Drunk Dialling". If I missed the wry "Truth Serum" the first time around then I can, of course, blame the aforementioned (ahem…) scientific testing.
Anyway, the point of this sixty short song album – in case you haven't worked it out by now – is to take a shot of beer after every one minute song. It's not difficult so I would imagine that most people will be able to manage to join in thus moving what the politically correct would normally class as irresponsible behaviour into an area that could only be described as social inclusiveness.
In the interests of diversity, testing was undertaken using Guinness Foreign Export (the brewed in Nigeria variety, if you are interested). Beginners might want to start with something less challenging like Millers. Oh, the final point – you can buy this album on a USB stick with a shot glass attached to it so you have all you need (except beer) to play the game.