Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Edge of Excess EP by Edge of Excess

Edge of Excess EP cover art

Artist: Edge of Excess
Title: Edge of Excess EP
Catalogue Number: Ice Beach Recordings
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2010

Where are we today? Cleveland, Ohio is the answer. And why are we here? A good question but one that perhaps Edge of Excess might be able to answer with their EP. Well they might if the answer is good old fashioned rock music ramped up with eighties posturing.

In no particular order, let's take a listen to their songs. "Dirty Love" harks back to the days of hair rock with the kind of macho, in your face attitude that a band like Whitesnake would have recognised as their own. I could have been hallucinating but I believe it even featured the unrestrained use of cowbells. "Battle Cry" likewise is more solos than songs but would undeniably appeal to those who think leather trousers and bandanas will never go out of fashion. "Full Throttle" makes the best impression here and was only let down by the rather uninspired vocals.

It hard to be too critical of a band like Edge of Excess as, after, all, we are all fourteen year old boys at heart. Rock on!
Review Date: October 15 2011