Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The State of America - "MixTape" EP by Well Hung Heart

The State of America -

Artist: Well Hung Heart
Title: The State of America - "MixTape" EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

I sometimes wonder if they do actually reprocess spent nuclear fuel rods. Cynical it might be but I've always suspected that all that glow forever in the dark stuff just gets dropped down the nearest abandoned mine.  However, I now have an alternative hypothesis. What if they gave it to some musicians and they rolled it up and smoked it? Welcome, my friends to the super-heated, twisted all out of shape and surely soon to be rock Gods Well Hung Heart.

This EP has but five songs on it but each one stands on its own and yet serves to confuse us regarding the band's true intentions.  Starting with " BULLs#!T", you'd not be wrong to write them off – one song in and I'm already trying to write them off? – as yet another Los Angeles band in awe of Rage against The Machine. If only it were that simple, for Greta Valenti scratched out and near deranged vocals throw a nuclear powered spanner into the works. Then she turns all impassioned and, dare I say it, cute (in a you are about to get too close to the tiger way) as, like Madonna before her, she plunders past musical gems in search of the truth throughout " This iS NOT LoVE".

Salute Ms Valenti again for the endearing and impassioned " PLay ME a song" that screams retro but only if you let it, If you don't, you'll wonder if you would really buy her  a drink. As for the cover of "CREEP", I've never been a great Radiohead fan and it was nothing short of a revelation to hear this anthem of the misfit turned into a modern day feminist battle cry. It is perhaps no surprise that Well Hung Heart decided to end with a bang with the howling, urban rock of " We RUle the WorLD" ensuring that fourteen year old boys everywhere will need an immediate change of underwear.

The dichotomy of a band that displays both impassioned sensitivity and roof raising riffs pretty much guarantees that Robin Davey (ex Bastard Fairies and, reputedly, The Pope's favourite guitarist) is in there doing his thing. Duly he is there, as is the floor shaking metronome better known as Scott Miracle.

At times like this, I wish I was fourteen again so I could grow up to music like this. It would make me a rebel. I know it would.

Available From Bandcamp.

Album of the Month - November 2011
Review Date: October 29 2011