Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Feast of Hammers b/w The Sailor's Wife by Birdeatsbaby

Feast of Hammers b/w The Sailor's Wife cover art

Artist: Birdeatsbaby
Title: Feast of Hammers b/w The Sailor's Wife
Catalogue Number: Dead Round Eyes Records
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2011

How does it go again? Click your heels three times and you're back in Kansas? Something like that anyway. Strange the things that run through your head when you hear a song that doesn't quite fit. I mean, "Feast of Hammers" from Brighton band Birdeatsbaby sounds like elegant art-punk but it escapes the theatricality that is expected of that oddly named genre and nose dives – but in a good way – into the kind of murderous bleakness that would surely have had Brecht nodding in approval.

Similarly elegant and complex – the temptation for a fine wine metaphor often overcomes me – is "The Sailor's Wife" that reflects much the same dramatic themes whilst making you think its natural replay medium should be a scratchy shellac 78.

There is life in the old republic yet.
Review Date: November 4 2011