Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Chicken Album by O Lendário Chucrobillyman

The Chicken Album cover art

Artist: O Lendário Chucrobillyman
Title: The Chicken Album
Catalogue Number: Off Label Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

Time to count my fingers and thus check that I have five and only five. Why the sudden interest in digital perfection, I hear you say? One listen to Brazilian one man band O Lendário Chucrobillyman and you have to wonder if he has more fingers than you and I. Or you and I put together for that matter.

Respect is, of course, due for calling his musical opus "The Chicken Album" anyway but that title is more than likely a fair representation of the skewed take on one man and demented twelve bar blues collision that you get here. You might even find parallels in such low brow luminaries as Bob Log III in the driving rhythms, distorted megaphone style vocals and oddball presentation but even that cannot prepare you for the demented clucking chicken impersonation during "Chickenflow".  As for "Chickenstrangle", well, all bets are off as to whether this song drives you to dance or madness.

Off Label Records have reissued this curious mix of the conventional and Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band insanity on vinyl. A courageous move indeed.
Review Date: November 4 2011