Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Floating by Honey

Floating cover art

Artist: Honey
Title: Floating
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2011

A Glasgow psychedelic pop band that call themselves Honey has to be worth a listen even if you know in your heart that they will likely turn out to be soul destroying aspartame. So, as the skies grow grey, Honey unleash "Floating" into the spaced out universe of indifference that we live in.

It is rather evident from the start that "Floating" isn't really psychedelic pop at all being more of a relaxed shoegaze take on the Snow Patrol school of songwriting. However, this isn't actually too much of a problem as that approach suits the vocal talents of Nick Donnelly – at least I assume that he is doing the singing this time around – down to a tee. A certain indiscipline does prevail though and the full version of this song runs out of things to do long before the final note. Fortunately, there is a tighter and better radio edit to keep it company.

So, all in all, quite sweet if not entirely organic and wholesome.

Available as a free download from Bandcamp.
Review Date: November 13 2011