I suppose that you could view "One Frame Per Second" by Uniform Motion as some sort of concept album but that would imply a degree of pretension that is simply not there. A more accurate description would be that this is a fable set to music.
Ostensibly the tale of a little knight trying to rescue his princess whilst being misdirected by the Devil and betrayed by all and sundry, this album has the hallmarks of a children's tale. Certainly, there is a directness to the storytelling that would support that approach but look further and you will find the waters are much deeper than they look.
Whilst a song like "I Was Crushed By A Forty Foot Man" is fairly obvious in its intent, the sentiment and simple beauty that is to be found in the album's closer "An Island" clearly marks the existence of a proper songwriter. Andy Richards' plaintive tones work really well here but the song could easily escape the confines of indie pop genre and make it out into the mainstream.
Elegantly played – or rather more accurately, underplayed – "One Frame Per Second" is the kind of album that will probably be consigned to the hell of bedsit reflection and iPod intimacy even though it deserves a much wider audience.