Album, Single and EP Reviews



  La Piramide di Sangue by Gianni Giublena Rosacroce

La Piramide di Sangue cover art

Artist: Gianni Giublena Rosacroce
Title: La Piramide di Sangue
Catalogue Number: Yerevan YER002
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

A curiosity indeed.  Released on cassette tape no less, Yerevan have taken the opportunity to launch Gianni Giublena Rosacroce (a nom de guerre for Stefano Isaia, the singer and frontman from the Movie Star Junkies and the indelibly obscure Dedalo666) as pirates of the Mediterranean with North African influences being looted right, left and centre.

The album – "La Piramide di Sangue" – is a short one and reminiscent in many ways of a collection of soundtrack cues. Being entirely instrumental, there is no such thing as a lyrical clue as to the purpose or intent of the songs and many just fade away when you expect them to get interesting - "La Linea d'Ombrea being a case in point – or they simply stop. Although only really evident in the album's closer "Negromanzia", the portrayal of the ambient adoption of foreign cultural references may actually have been the point of this album.

"La Piramide di Sangue" is an easy album to listen to even if it seems to shy away from going anywhere in particular.
Review Date: November 13 2011