Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Lil Daggers by Lil Daggers

Lil Daggers cover art

Artist: Lil Daggers
Title: Lil Daggers
Catalogue Number: Song, By Toad Records SbTR-A-020
Review Format: LP
Release Year: 2011

Lil Daggers hail from Florida which doesn't really explain their basement living garage rock sound.  You would think that they might let the sun shine in but instead they have immersed themselves in a murky recreation of the sound of their lo-fi forbearers.

It's a common approach these days but the often bleak lyrics – try ""Give Me A Pill" for a bit of concerted nihilism – turn Lil Daggers away from the path of the grandchildren of the summer of love bands like No Joy or even the relentless reverential grunge of the likes of the Fungi Girls towards a truncated psychedelic into punk hybrid that emphasises alienation.

From that you will have guessed that there are few smiles to be found amongst these short, sharp songs either in their words, their arrangement or in their performance and that, for many, will prove something of a discouragement.

Available on vinyl from the Song, By Toad website.
Review Date: November 25 2011