Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Fall Apart in My Backyard by Bunny & The Electric Horsemen

Fall Apart in My Backyard cover art

Artist: Bunny & The Electric Horsemen
Title: Fall Apart in My Backyard
Catalogue Number: Bearsuit 015
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

In the shadows of ambient electronica, it seems that no one is allowed to shine. Some, like PNDC (also a contributor to this album), still do but in those suburban bedrooms a tribe of musicians expressing mood seem to proliferate. One of those is Glasgow's Bunny & The Electric Horsemen which would, of course, be a fine name for a prog rock band but that is not what you get here.

The songs on "Fall Apart In My Backyard" are serious and thoughtful to the point of sonic introversion. All the requisite, indeed expected, looped up samples and soundscapes are present and correct and are used here to maintain the somewhat downbeat tone throughout.  However, there are uplifting moments of elegance such as the brooding wistfulness to be found in "Singing Ringing Tree", that suggest an escape from the bedsit and even the urban environment and that contrasts nicely with the more oblique and discordant tracks like "Quel Vino è Generoso".

As is the way of ambient electronica, much of this album just slips by you, neither irritating nor impressing. The fact that it has been so thoughtfully assembled is to the credit of Bunny & The Electric Horsemen even if it seems that the intention was to hide that very fact. Take it as you like it and you will best enjoy it on headphones with a nice packet of Maltesers.
Review Date: November 25 2011