Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Light A Cigarette by Chris Naish

Light A Cigarette cover art

Artist: Chris Naish
Title: Light A Cigarette
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

Being categorised as a Canadian folk singer is hardly likely to attract much in the way of attention given the surfeit of acoustic beard tuggers claiming Kerouac credibility doing the rounds these days. However, Chris Naish steps over them by infusing his album “Light a Cigarette” with, wait for it, humour.

Admittedly it is a dry and downbeat humour but that, in itself, makes for a refreshing change from the genre norm with that kicked and liking it lyrical approach lifting the likes of “Be The Road” up high into the sunshine.  Also of note is Mr Naish’s energetic wordplay with “Never Stop” easily capable of ducking and diving its way from the coffee shops of Alberta to the backstreets of downtown L.A.

It would have been easy to dismiss this album, especially as Mr Naish’s three quarters of the way to irritating vocal affectations suggest that he had an element of pastiche in mind during this album’s creation, but the result is never less than pleasing and often quite affecting. His words have resonance and, for that reason alone, this album deserves your attention.
Review Date: December 3 2011