What do you do when fame and fortune pass you by? Keep playing if the Bad Detectives are anything to go by. I’m probably doing this band an injustice but, as they’ve been around in one form or another for quite a while now, you have to wonder what motivates them.
On their album “Look At Life”, they run through no less than 17 songs that all seem to borrow affectionately from the entire history of rock and pop whilst being dosed with the kind of good humour that is rarely seen these days. Being from Somerset, it is no surprise that surf music gets used to power along a ditty about their local alcoholic beverage (“Cider Safari”). Perhaps some of that local beverage was also used when “The Girl From Porton Down” was written? I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
The beat goes rollicking on with “Fake Tan Sample Man” – an ode to the glory of the sales professional, I would hazard – and the sold rock ‘n’ roller “Peroxide Baby”. These guys just sound like they are having fun all the way through this album.
“Look At Life” might not strike out for new ground bit it is nonetheless an enjoyable album that makes more sense the more you play it. I’m not talking high concept either more that music should be created by people who actually want to do just that.