Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Dead Sons EP by His Electro Blue Voice

Dead Sons EP cover art

Artist: His Electro Blue Voice
Title: Dead Sons EP
Catalogue Number: Brave Mysteries MYST004
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2011

There are times when a luckless reviewer gets a case of genre confusion. The cause of this confusion? Italian post punk evangelists His Electro Blue Voice have continued their sonic adventure with the three songs that make up the “Dead Sons “ EP but take a circuitous route this time.

Certainly, “Dead Mice” follows their previous post punk path but stretches thing out to over seven minutes which is good as the gratuitous use of power chords and demented vocals get plenty of time to wander free in the land of the berserk. “Eat Sons”, on the other hand would make many an alt-rock band proud given its disciplined progressions and as for “Zoom” let’s just say that it can hold its disturbing post rock groove right into the sunset.

Big on atmosphere and extended extemporisations, His Blue Electro Voice seem a bit directionless here but you’ve still got to admire the fact that, unlike so many bands, you can’t take them for granted.

Available from the Brave Mysteries website.
Review Date: December 26 2011