Judging by his poised authenticity, Lincoln Durham would be classed as a straight shooter if he were a gunfighter rather than the bluesy singer songwriter on the up and up that he actually is. His album, “The Shovel vs. The Howling Bones” is a solid effort that runs with steely determination from start to finish.
That level headed focus starts with the traditionally styled “Drifting Wood” drawing on the slide guitar for its country blues impact, just as the best songs about redemption should do. Similarly, “Clementine” celebrates its subject – which isn’t a citrus fruit, by the way - just as George Jones might have done in his more reflective moments. Add in Lincoln Durham’s worldly drawl to bring life to the words and the end result will sit easily on the mantelpiece of honest performances.
However, it is also true that Mr Durham is on a well-trodden path with this album and, as the sun sets on “The Shovel vs. The Howling Bones”, you have to wonder if a world used to gimmicks will give this album the chance it deserves.