Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Covered in Santa Wheels by Whizz Kid

Covered in Santa Wheels cover art

Artist: Whizz Kid
Title: Covered in Santa Wheels
Catalogue Number: Bearsuit Records
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2011

Whizz Kid. I like that name. It suggests urban urgency mixed with intelligence. It is also the name for the collaboration between the ever prolific plinky plinker Harold Nono and J-Kane with the big question being if hanging about with a Belgian has got our Mr Nono to man up and escape the bedsit.

Certainly, “Covered in Santa Wheels” does seem more purposeful than Mr Nono’s solo efforts with clear evidence of outside the MacBook powered box thinking. There is, for example, a pleasing soundtrack style feel to the opening track “Falling Out Of Trees Falling Down Hills” that successfully suggests emotion rather than self-absorption.  Even the most typical song – “Trapeze” – gains sufficient grace to cause a man’s mind to wander in a Vangelis direction whilst “I Fall In The Grandad Bus” turns the tables on itself and ends up sufficiently quirky to be taken as French.

“Covered in Santa Wheels” is a very decent effort that will no doubt find friends amongst those for whom headphones are a fashion necessity.
Review Date: January 8 2012