A head band? Do they still make head bands? Well, if they do, then Picore would be prime contenders in the boxing ring of head bands. Deeply thoughtful yet still approachable, this European band head for the mightily philosophical hills with their album “Assyrian Vertigo”.
There is, as you might expect, nothing as contiguous as a song here. Instead, the polished ambient electronica that you might expect of a band like this has been replaced with something more organic. Something that grows beyond the Argento soundtrack cues like atmospherics of “Gilgamesh” into a level headed and mature investigation of European post rock with the regimented pondering of “Ziggurat” standing as an example of how to do it.
What does it all mean? That’s hard to say but, equally, it is hard to avoid being swept away by the intense concentration demonstrated by this band in pursuit of their art. They are, perhaps, a touch too intellectual for the tastes of the common man but that should not stop you investigating them. Should it?