Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Owls Are Not What They Seem by Sofia Talvik

The Owls Are Not What They Seem cover art

Artist: Sofia Talvik
Title: The Owls Are Not What They Seem
Catalogue Number: Makaki Music
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2012

If I have counted my fingers correctly then “The Owls Are Not What They Seem” makes for album number five for Sweden’s Sofia Talvik and, unsurprisingly, an assured album it is too. In fact, I’d be hard pressed to think of any singer songwriter, whether chasing fame or not, that can demonstrate the level of consistency and eloquence that is to be found here.

Ms Talvik has always had the knack of writing confessional lyrics without having to resort to saccharine sentimentality and provides plenty of evidence of that within these twelve songs starting strongly on her journey to explore matters of the heart with “Delusional”, her elegant yet realistic reflection on broken personalities. “If I Had A Man” is the kind of song that has become Ms Talvik’s trademark. Lyrically bleak and matter of fact , the song isn’t obvious poetry but it responds so well to her sensitive touch that it sounds more about the dream than its grounded in reality words would lead you to expect. I know I should pick a song as the album’s highlight next and that’s a hard choice to make as consistency is the name of the game here.  My favourite, however subjective that choice might be, would be the laconic “Bitter Sweet Bliss” that seems to draw as much from Bacharach as from her heart for its inspiration.

Perhaps her most interesting artistic choice however is the sound of the album this time around. Country flavoured sonic touches abound on many of the songs thus giving the album an underlying focus and, perhaps, an indication of her true intent. I don’t just mean the obviously Nashville “7 Miles Wide” that is so much more Barbara & Lee than the Nancy & Lee that you might have expected of Ms Talvik. It goes further than pedal steel too as there are even spaghetti western motifs in there – like the Morricone style twangs lurking in the backgrounds of the aforementioned “Delusional” – that add the perfect seasoning to what is a cleverly conceived and enjoyable album. Just like a damn fine cup of coffee, “The Owls Are Not What They Seem” sets you up for the day.

“The Owls Are Not What They Seem“ is available from her website.

Bluesbunny Album of the Month for February 2012
Review Date: February 4 2012