Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Cha Cha Heels EP by Cha Cha Heels

Cha Cha Heels EP cover art

Artist: Cha Cha Heels
Title: Cha Cha Heels EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2011

I remember seeing this band play live. They threw feathers. Feathers.  Red feathers as I recall and now their debut EP hits whatever you hit when a record shop is rarer than an honest politician. The question however is whether Cha Cha Heels can cut it without the visual impact of the props.

Yeah and verily they do.  For all their delightfully theatrical trashiness, Cha Cha Heels provide proof of solid song writing skills here even if you have to wonder what kind of Catholic school they went to that drove them to choose topics like waking on a wet patch – hot water bottles do leak, admittedly  - as the inspiration for the endearingly sleazy “Taxi For One”. The thing is that Cha Cha Heels are more than a band using controversy as a substitute for talent for drama is squeezed in between every note and you can’t do that without actual real deal talent and a genuine love for the art of performance.

OK, back to the songs. There’s the Rocky Horror ska of “Culture Vulture” for a start that shows Miss Marks’ vocal talents off to appealing effect.  Then there is the innovative use of rhyme to counterpoint ‘body shock’ with ‘maggot cock’ in “Red Light Lady” to consider. I bet there are hundreds of ned rock bands out there who don’t know what a ‘body shock’ is…

Whilst it would have been easy for a band like this to aim themselves at the dance floor, Cha Cha Heels clearly have a bigger and better plan with kudos due too for the rest of the band who prove themselves more solid than the proverbial rock. Cha Cha Heels are out of the traps and heading for victory with this EP.
Review Date: February 16 2012