Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Mad Dogs EP by Lip Colour Revolution

Mad Dogs EP cover art

Artist: Lip Colour Revolution
Title: Mad Dogs EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

5 songs that didn’t make the cut for a previous album should not generally make for an uplifting experience but the “Mad Dogs” EP from Italian band Lip Colour Revolution proves to be the exception to the rule.

Come to think of it, there is little sonic evidence that this is a modern Italian band as they sound more like a revisionist seventies style American rock band. Filippo Infante growls and emotes in best rock band on the loose fashion but it is the stylish and immaculately executed reinterpretation of the ways of the rock guitarist by Cristiano Tortoli Sbolci that earns the immediate stamp of approval here. It is like he decided that if he was going to do a pastiche then he was going to do it with total respect for those who have gone before him whilst leaving himself the option of using the opportunity as an audition for a metal band. The best songs on this EP are the pulsating “Mr Deafman” and the theatrical “As Far As Eyes Can See”.

All of this begs me to wonder that if these were the outtakes then how good was their actual album?
Review Date: February 17 2012