Hold on to your hat for a second album by Glasgow punk legends The Zips has turned up. As a band, they must be eligible for some sort of award for remaining legendary whilst not exactly overwhelming the marketplace with product. However, when the aim is quality whilst remaining true to what they believed in back in the day, you can see why The Zips have lasted the distance.
So, while the years may have passed, The Zips still play like they have the fire in their belly with “Angerland” demonstrating that the political concerns of yesterday are just as relevant today. The beat, or rather beating, doesn’t stop there either with “Stop The War” and “Straight To Helmand” pointing out both the expedient attitude of our Westminster masters and our collective obsession with empty headed celebrity.
Perhaps the most telling song is “19 Forevva” that takes being young and heart and fills it up with high octane aviation fuel before lighting up a contemptuous cigarette. The mere fact that The Zips can still come up with a song like this explains why they have lasted so long. That is not to say that they haven’t matured as, this time around, you’ll even find a horn section – as on “Kiddin” – and – believe it for it is true – a Zips song that beats the four minute limit. Point your ears at “Where You Gonna Run To” for the proof.
When you have honesty – and The Zips are certainly an honest band – on your side, then it is hardly surprising that a band last so long and still make a rewarding album. Needless to say, you should play “19 Forevva” loud (even if you weren’t there the first time around).