Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Global Experience by World5

Global Experience cover art

Artist: World5
Title: Global Experience
Catalogue Number: Black Mountain Productions
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2012

There are times when I think I will never hear anything new anymore. Then along comes a band like World5 and I think I will never hear anything new anymore. “Global Experience” is their debut album and I feel (almost) bad for wishing that it would be their last.

To put that comment into perspective, if you dig through that YouTube thing and search out eighties’ FM radio rock bands like, for example, Toto then you have heard World5 only World5 have had to do without the big budget production with the name of the game being forced harmonies and click tracked plastic perfection and the result, unsurprisingly, is soulless. Add in kind of lyrical clumsiness that you would expect of people much younger than the PR picture would suggest and the seeds of indifference are duly sown and fertilised.
Review Date: April 21 2012