I’m hazarding a guess here but I do believe that Louise Quinn must be something of a Glasgow style icon. She has, after all, got the indefatigable Kid Loco duetting with her on one of the tracks on her “Jackie” EP.
Although, in my post punk fury, I should hate these four songs it was, in fact, difficult to do so. Now this might be partly down to my well known failing for women 837 times cooler than I will ever be but it might, and probably is, down to the offbeat charm of these little slices of melodrama. “Oh Jackie” is nothing more than false eyelashes put to song but with Kid Loco and with a vicious bit of good life name checking it walks the walk that others merely talk while would not have Sir Serge of Gainsbourg approved of the Sabatier edged cabaret of “Exactly Like You”? “Ghosts From This War” does struggle with enforced ordinariness but all is forgiven by the cocktail magnificence of “Hate This Town”. Someone should name a drink after this lady.
Louise Quinn is now 854 times cooler than me. That’s a fact. This EP is the proof.