Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Never Winter Mind – Part Two by Holly Taymar & Christopher Bilton

Never Winter Mind – Part Two cover art

Artist: Holly Taymar & Christopher Bilton
Title: Never Winter Mind – Part Two
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2012

Wearing her heart on her sleeve is singer songwriter Holly Taymar and, with the tasteful assistance of Christopher Bilton, she sets out to successfully persuade your, no doubt tired, ears that she is the very lady with the refreshments.

While there is nothing particularly radical in what Ms Taymar does in these six songs, she does what she does with maturity and without the kind of brashness that lesser talents would use to hide their inadequacies.  More than average care has gone into making these songs sound interesting too with “The French One” throwing a crackle over its intro to perhaps illustrate that this is an age old thing that she sings about. Commentary on relationships does seem a feature of her songs but she has not forgotten the importance of melody as being the best route to being remembered by the general public either and equally , with “Indian Sky” being the best example, that you have to stretch yourself if you are to stand out from the crowd.

When I consider these songs as a whole, there is something positively endearing about Holly Taymar. She’s a mainstream proposition yet she doesn’t come across as generic. She’s the girl next door yet somehow different. No doubt someone will come along and polish all the goodness out of her but, until then, I intend to prize her wistful voice.
Review Date: May 30 2012