Glasgow blues band (of a sort) Beard Alone have sneaked out their album with little fanfare which is a shame as it has something that few albums have these days in that “Living In The Wilderness” is an amiable album that mixes twisted all out of shape shouted at you vocals and a right on the money bluesy groove into something distinctly entertaining.
Sure, this is an untidy album and it walks a path that many have walked before but those of you with twelve bars on your mind will find much to enjoy here. Messrs Arnott, Bowditch and Muggleton are in no danger of embarrassing themselves as they beat the blues rock drum once more and decorate it with a surprisingly subtle bass guitar and a counterpoint of edgy lead guitar.
The best tracks to my ears were the distinctly derivative but who really cares “Preconception Blues” and the it will trip you up if you let it “I Hate The Radio”. So, do we have an album from a Glasgow and that you can actually enjoy? “Living In The Wilderness” is such an album. Hallelujah!
The album is available from Bandcamp.