There are times when sentiment gets the better of even the most battle hardened reviewer and Lorraine McCauley has one of those voices that evoke sentiment in a man. She floats over a song as if she isn’t really singing it as much as it is using her as a conduit to express the ways of a woman’s heart.
“Light in the Darkest Corners” is therefore a subtle album that seems deliberately underperformed. The Borderlands provide elegant support but you don’t really notice them doing anything special and, likewise, the production appears to be a model of minimalism yet it all seems to gel nicely. “Goddess” provides a near perfect example of this. If you are perhaps otherwise distracted then you won’t even notice that you have heard this song but, when next you experience some moments of silence, it is there in your memory for you to worship. Then there is that naked fragility in Lorraine McCauley’s voice that can turn the simplest song – like “What If” – into an enchantment of the soul. Without a doubt, that ability is an anachronism in today’s in your face chart marketplace but an all too rare joy nonetheless.
Let there be light, the goddess said, and duly there was.