One of the side effects of a vinyl addiction is that you can be persuaded to buy pretty much anything as long as it is pressed on some odd colour of vinyl. So it was that Japanese indie pop band SmileLove got to cast their spell over me.
Although they are most certainly twee, SmileLove are still likely to cause candy coated glee in the hardest of hearts. I have no idea what “Theme Song” or “Pop Song 2” might actually be about – it could be Smarties or it could be mass murder - but Hiroko Kawakami’s deadpan cuteness is never less than endearing as she sweetly swishes through these two songs and, despite the deliberate (?) lack of substance, these two fluffy bunny songs are highly likely to stick in your memory.
The pressing is a translucent pale blue, by the way, and the mastering looks to be the work of Pirates Press judging from an inspection of the run out grooves.
The single is a split release with Beachniks.