The world is, they say, a cruel and heartless place unless you are on drugs or listening to the lo-fi dreampop extravaganza by Lockets. That extravaganza has a name and it is “Camera Shy”. Effective it is too at diverting you from the black clouds of reality. Like Yoda but in a nice Laura Ashley dress.
You’d never guess that most of the songs on this album exceed the four minute limit of pop perfection for such is the appeal of the drifting away on the wind vocals of Dani Mari that time itself seems of no importance whatsoever. Musically, not a lot actually goes on here with some by the book programming and cheap drum sounds stopping the songs from falling into the abyss of mediocrity. The things is that the minimalism so often demonstrated by Lockets actually works with a bedroom ambience dominating the sonic landscape and “Treasures You Lost” being the perfect example of how to do more with less.
Lockets are an economical band. No musical space is filled unless it really needs to be and, perhaps because of that, “Camera Shy” seems to simply fly by you leaving you wanting more.
The pressing was on - the delightfully named - white rabbit frosted clear vinyl and, from the matrix number on the runout groove, appears to be the work of the redoubtable CZ facility. The sleeve is printed on heavy card and thus enhances the quality of, and necessity to purchase, the package.
The album is available from Bandcamp.