You might think that an EP of demos and unissued songs from a few years back would be something of a throwaway item that would not bother your trend sensitive ears for any great length of time. You might also think that a duo – Nina Wagner and Ben Raine - powered by a drum machine would not merit much in the way of attention either but The Unkindness of Ravens -know a thing or two about how to make grunged up minimalism interesting.
A song is not so much a song as a punch bag to a band like this. With little more than an angry guitar, the odd bit of old style sweeping synth sounds and that plastic kit beater, The Unkindness of Ravens make the sound of the city at night and a city inhabited by dancing vampires at that. There is even icing on their urban cake. That icing is Nina Wagner who stalks the lyrics like a woman likely to steal your stash or, even more likely, stab you in the heart. Of all the songs, “I Used To Be Pretty” most neatly sums up her emotional intent while “Lift” effectively demonstrates her ability to outfight a demonic guitar.
It may be that the dance floor is meant to be the natural environment for the music of The Unkindness of Ravens but it is equally well suited to that walk into the dawn. Just wear that cross of silver.
Available on a pay what you want basis from Bandcamp.