Some things never change and never should change. Like Mars Bars (only they aren’t what they used to be). Or punk glorious punk. It’s the sound of the last youth rebellion. The last true rebellion before Steve Jobs turned them all into an iPod, iPhone and iPad owning living ghosts of the Stepford Wives. So get angry and power up “Cradle To the Grave” by Albion and relive a time you will never see again.
There’s more than the expected Thatcher massacre here however as Albion go for a walk toward the hard rock side of town on several occasions with “Walls of Babylon” being most likely to be mistaken for a discarded depleted uranium shell. Like the true believer that you want to be, you will soon crumble a before the relentless, and nostalgic, assault that is “This Is England”. It’s like The Anti-Nowhere League have been reborn to once more walk these streets with the sole purpose of exterminating indifference with maximum volume musical weaponry.
This album is the sound of your heritage. It’s an echo of a time log gone and yet it still sounds fresh with Albion still sounding like the angry young men that they are. Or were. Or that they always will be.