In the land of intellectual music making there is no such thing as equality. I could be disingenuous and describe Land Lines’ self titled album as too clever for its own good but I won’t for that, in fact, would be something of an injustice.
Two cellos and some percussion don’t generally make for aural satisfaction. An assumption perhaps but too often a band like Land Lines will find themselves directed towards the margins of art-house tolerance. However, the focussed performance of these ten songs indicates a sense of purpose that is more European than American in nature and Land Lines can therefore legitimately be compared to the likes of Joan and the Sailors.
Take the hypnotic rhythms of “Boards and Walls” as an example. Simple lyrical repetition, string plucking and basic percussive patterns might not sound like much but the song has an impact that transcends the intellectual. Similarly, the mellow syncopation of “Instruments and Books” is nothing less than a smoky entrancement to misbehave.
Credit therefore is due to Martina Grbac, Anna Mascorella and Ross Harada for making the sound of the high end of humanity.
The album is available from Bandcamp..