Even in the of world of fuzzy lo-fi indie pop the sun always shines and Duplodeck, who hail from Brazil, almost demand that you wear sunglasses when you listen to their album “Verões”. However that is not to say that Duplodeck are mere manic pop surfers forever frolicking on the beach of life but it is equally undeniable that listening to “Verões” is an uplifting experience.
So, it is no surprise that the sandy grooves of “Saint-Tropez” and “Strange Girl” are as appropriate to the beaches of Rio De Janeiro as they are they are to the beaches of Southern California and, all songs considered, everything that Duplodeck present here is refreshingly sprinkled with something akin to the innocence of youth. There’s a homemade feel to these recording too as if they just happened one night.
That’s not to say that the songs are simplistic for they are not but their laidback presentation makes what they do seem like very little trouble at all and, even when things get sentimental – as in the title song “Verões” – it always seem like a shrug of the shoulders and a power chord will make the world a better place. It just might at that.
So here I sit in the middle of December listening to this EP and wondering where the sun has gone to. Then I close my eyes and it would seem that the sunshine was there all along after all.
Available as a “name your price” download from Bandcamp.