Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Cold Heat by Burntfield

Cold Heat cover art

Artist: Burntfield
Title: Cold Heat
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2015

There are times when enjoying melodic rock music becomes something of a guilty pleasure and Finnish rockers Burntfield provided a sprinkling of such moments within the boundaries of their “Cold Heat” EP.

Melodic rock is, of course, a very American concept and, despite their rather less temperate roots, Burntfield do a credible job of impersonating the big transatlantic city with much in the way of robust, and pyrotechnic free, guitar work emphasising the maturity of their musical battle plan. The chorus, as always, is key in songs of this genre and both “Q & A” and “Deal With It” give the band more than enough opportunity to enchant the ears of FM radio jocks everywhere.

It is true that many will think a band from Finland unlikely competitors in the world of music but Burntfield provide more than enough evidence that they know that going large is the way to go.
Review Date: August 16 2015