Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Life by Gemma Mae Anderson

Life cover art

Artist: Gemma Mae Anderson
Title: Life
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: Compact Disc
Release Year: 2019

I don’t often get to describe an album as wholesome these days. Or at least not one that isn’t overtly Christian. Yet Gemma Mae Anderson’s “Life” album is nothing less than wholesome and, unsurprisingly, is being released in aid of the Versus Arthritis charity.

As you might therefore deduce, Gemma Mae Anderson suffers from arthritis and this album is her way of doing something for others with similar ailments. So, with that in mind, it seem somewhat disingenuous to dissect this album but that’s what I do.

So here I go. “Life” is actually a pleasant album to listen to. Don’t get me wrong though. There isn’t much in the way of variety here but that isn’t really the point for these are songs that were designed to occupy the middle of the road although “Not a Bad Feeling”, in particular, makes a successful swerve from the secular to the devotional fast lane.

“Life” is a worthy album for a worthy cause and that’s good enough for me.
Review Date: February 15 2020