Album, Single and EP Reviews



  As You Walk Away by Rudebeard

As You Walk Away cover art

Artist: Rudebeard
Title: As You Walk Away
Catalogue Number: F&J Records SHaG039
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2020

Three songs long and barely nine minutes taken. Hey, that makes sense. Three minute pop songs always hit the mark so Rudebeard are right on the pulse of whatever counts as a strawberry sundae in these days of synthetic sugar substitutes. The question, however, remains as to whether Rudebeard are actually a product of the gloppita gloppita machine.

Well, no they are not. Of course not, for Rudebeard are the sort of playful band that has no greater purpose than to bring a bit of joy to your ears and, as for packaging up their nine minutes of potential fame into equal size chunks, they aren’t doing that either. You get thirty seconds of non song, five minutes of casually paced ska and then, somewhat unexpectedly, a blast of catchy subversion called “Small C Conservative”. Perhaps not quite a protest song but endearingly acidic nonetheless.

There might be a better way to pass nine minutes of your life, but I can’t think of one right now.
Review Date: June 19 2020