Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Archaeology by Chiara Berardelli

Archaeology cover art

Artist: Chiara Berardelli
Title: Archaeology
Catalogue Number: Last Night From Glasgow
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

I’m not entirely sure how many albums Chiara Berardelli has released but it isn’t many and I reckon that I have them all. So, it is little surprise that I was actually looking forward to directing my ears towards her latest release “Archaeology”.

As is her way, the ten songs on this album are seasoned with literacy and her, again customary, heart on her sleeve affectations to provide a baseline for ponderings in the key of wistful reflection. It’s not all sentimental shades of grey though as both “First Time” and “Different Time” are positively upbeat, especially by her standards, and, as is her hallmark, no matter the tempo the music always gives the space needed for her words to breathe.

Whilst it might well seem that all that is here is something personal rather than something destined for public consumption, it is also true that anyone who has a heart will be able to see the value, the meat on the metaphorical bones if you like, of Chiara Berardelli’s songs.

“Archaeology” will perhaps be best appreciated by mature ears connected to a heart that, when it comes down to it, still believes in a better tomorrow. Chiara Berardelli knows her audience and gives them what they need with this album and there is nothing wrong with a healthy dash of sentimentality in a song. Or ten for that matter.
Review Date: June 21 2024