Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Shame by Venice Bliss

Shame cover art

Artist: Venice Bliss
Title: Shame
Catalogue Number: Kernel Panic Records
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

Venice Bliss might not be the coolest band on the planet but they have been around a while and they are French so they are probably cooler than most of the rest and they have still managed to inject more than enough nihilistic intent into their album “Shame” to make it worthy of maximum volume replay.

The songs are all sung in English so those wary of the ways of those not from the green and pleasant land need fear no more. In fact, you might even consider that these purveyors of intellectual constructed, nineties style, rock songs have seen the ghost of Britpop and, as a consequence of that, have lifted their lyrics to the altar of that particular musical style and got straight to the hook and ladder of the matter with their words, whilst nor entirely and absolutely angry, reek of discontent with the here and now. If you are looking for simple love songs then you won’t find them here as these eight songs more of a reversal of radio friendly intent with a bit flipping transformation of all that we hope into all that actually is.

Those sharp, guitar honed, edges pretty much define this band and, while neither casual nor fully weaponised, they provide the punctuation that makes these songs work. Close your eyes and you can see the graffiti on the walls and the flashing blue lights of police intervention. I don’t, however, think anyone will regards these songs as a form of sedition yet it is hard to avoid thinking that these songs are deliberate, and honest, attempts to put the pain of living for the city into perspective. Now, intellectualising social commentary is a very nineties thing to do, and a difficult thing to do well, but Venice Bliss, in a best patisserie in town way, sugar coat all that might have induced a reverse reaction to saying what needs to be said, into something altogether more palatable. That works for my palate.

The future is, of course, so bright that you will need to wear shades but reality, as it so often is, intrudes into the looped dreams within dreams of reality, and you might not even notice, the nihilism that merges itself into the words sitting atop the music yet if you want more of your music than processing and artificial sweeteners then Venice Bliss will do the job. In fact, they are the biggest reason you are going to get these days for a visit to France. Unless you want to watch a town hall or two burning, of course…

Best song: “Hannah” – feel the nihilism meet conformity.

Verdict: Intellectualised anguish with purpose.
Review Date: June 29 2024