Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Static Silence by Red Lite District

Static Silence cover art

Artist: Red Lite District
Title: Static Silence
Catalogue Number: Sodeh Records
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

I like a bit of energy in the music that I listen to and there is indeed a fair amount of focused energy to be found in the five songs that make up the “Static Silence” EP by Red Lite District.

Whilst never revving their musical engine all the way up to the red line, neither do Red Lite District waste their time with only one of these songs breaching the three minute attention span barrier. I’ve heard their music before and it has to be said that, this time around, their raucous edge has been sanded off and, while the band still sound loud and proud, they sound a bit less punk foot forward this time around and, in “Walk On” in particular, they sound distinctly like a guitar powered indie rock band ready to take it all the way to the bridge of sighs. The lyrics, too, seem written with older and wiser pens but that’s always a welcome thing to discover in these thesaurus driven, laptop powered, times.

Bands change and develop over time. It is fair to say that, on the evidence of this EP, that Red Lite District have developed and matured into a band that has more to say than most.
Review Date: July 1 2024