Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Curtism EP by Curtism

Curtism EP cover art

Artist: Curtism
Title: Curtism EP
Catalogue Number: Hazard Records
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

Curtism would appear to be a young band from Toulon, France and, despite their youth, their debut self-titled EP sounds like it is the work of much older, and perhaps world weary, musicians.

Their sound is certainly not a happy sound but neither does this band lack conviction or intensity. Their words – in both French and English – are often lost in the mix almost as if advertising a desire to be purposely obtuse while the music swamping said words is stretched as far as reverb and power chords can go with enough in the way of tortured guitars to ensure that any thought of these four songs being mere modern day reinterpretations of teen angst are soon forgotten as the shoegaze influences wash over you.

Is this EP actually something of a tone poem for the disenchanted in 21st century? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Review Date: July 29 2024