Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Kissing The Bottle by The Toshers

Kissing The Bottle cover art

Artist: The Toshers
Title: Kissing The Bottle
Catalogue Number: Bishop Street Recordings
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

Interesting. The Toshers sound like an Irish band should sound yet they are actually from Germany and “Kissing The Bottle” is their new album which, perhaps unsurprisingly, contains seven songs that undoubtedly sound better with beer.

These seven songs keep the tempo up for the most part and are powered by undeniable energy with the fiddle often to the fore. The trademark musical cues of Celtic folk punk are duly marked as present and correct and it won’t take long before you get the urge to drink along with what you hear with the vocals being robustly delivered, the songs being simple to singalong with and the result would easily survive the transition into the combat arena better known as a busy pub in downtown Dublin.

Whilst listening to this album would not lead you to believe that The Toshers were anything other than true sons of Ireland and perhaps the forgotten offspring of the Dropkick Murphys, the fact that they are actually German would mean that they could well bring better beer to the party that their music started.

Yes, this is indeed music to drink with beer.
Review Date: August 4 2024