Sometimes you get to wondering if you will ever again hear a band that sounds like they would if you should have the good fortune to encounter them in some downtown club. “EP1” by M.Femme got me thinking that I had found such a band.
There are but four songs on this EP yet they manage to encompass the crowd pleasing potential a band like this has with the bonus of having more to the lyrics than you might expect. Sure, a song like “Sequins” has somewhat direct sentiments sitting very slightly below those robust words and Foghorn” and “Just You and Me” tell it like it is in the best blue collar fashion yet it is that appealing mixture of directness and eloquence in all that is here that makes you want to drink beer and listen to their next song. Add in a horn section – all the best bands have them - and some emotionally charged vocals, especially from Sam Mascorella, and you have something akin to a downtown soul soundtrack for those times when you find yourself in the lost and found on a Friday night.
M.Femme play it straight and that works very much in their favour. I’ll drink to that.
Available from Bandcamp and the usual digital sources.