Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Neurotic Age by Nobody

Neurotic Age cover art

Artist: Nobody
Title: Neurotic Age
Catalogue Number: Inverse Records
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

In a world where there seems to be more genres than bands, there is even one called dark folk and Nobody – an alias for Tuomas Kauppinen who is the one man in this band – duly goes deeper and darker than most with his EP “Neurotic Age”.

These four songs would seem to indicate that Nobody is on an intellectual rampage with his mixture of ennui and social commentary being delivered in a manner so earnest that it seems positively wholesome with his always literate lyrics looping around matters that are more philosophical than physical. In fact, by the time Nobody gets to the last song on this EP – “Godslayer” – his focus shifts permanently, and perhaps quite logically, to an altogether more spiritual viewpoint.

As you would expect of a one man band, there is a lot of looping going on the background with the music being less of a distraction than a restrained companion to the laconically delivered and reverb enhanced vocals. There is also undoubtedly a lot going on within the words of these four songs with much for the active mind to ponder and most will reach the conclusion that Nobody is a serious contender. That might be a dark folk thing or it might just be a sign of his times.
Review Date: August 18 2024