Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Requiem EP by The Lucidia Project

Requiem EP cover art

Artist: The Lucidia Project
Title: Requiem EP
Catalogue Number: WormHoleDeath Records
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2023

On to a random thought. Perhaps I don’t play enough video games. That random thought appeared in my normally empty mind whilst listening to the “Requiem EP” by The Lucidia Project.

Aiming in the general direction of the dramatic, The Lucidia Project do indeed sound like the kind of band that would provide the soundtrack to some sort of video game with a mystical storyline. The songs lead into each other nicely with each seeming part of the whole, somewhat existential, story which is a welcome change from what one such as I would expect of a band aligned with one of the many metal genres. There are, of course, bouts of speed drumming and steroid fuelled guitars to keep fans of the traditional happy yet, for a change, the gravel is kept under restraint and the lyrics are thus easily distinguishable and worthy of consideration. Of note also is the use of a piano to add some theatrical colour to all that is usually black and that helps, for example, in almost transforming “Deliverance” into a song set on a journey to become a power ballad.

I can easily imagine “Requiem” becoming to soundtrack to something even if it is something inside your head. A random thought indeed.
Review Date: September 7 2024