Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Fear/Instinct by Sophie Lilah

Fear/Instinct cover art

Artist: Sophie Lilah
Title: Fear/Instinct
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

Hey, I wake up every morning and want some indie pop forthwith and for sure. No, I don’t. Of course I don’t. I like a breakfast beer and time to ponder the meaning of life whilst wondering, once again, why there are no cornflakes left. Then again, Sophie Lilah is prone, on the evidence of her EP “Fear/Instinct”, to a bit of pondering too.

Introspection is the name of her game but she plays a better game than most with both intelligence and a degree of poetic intent evident in her lyrics and while the tone is, for the most part, downbeat throughout, there is something quite appealing, and possibly enchanting, about her voice that makes you want to listen. I will also admit that I would listen to something more upbeat if I were to be on the beach on a summer’s day yet I am still of the opinion that Sophie Lilah would still be in the back of my mind waiting for the opportunity to populate my thoughts when the sun goes down.

For one so young, there is clearly a stamp of maturity in Sophie Lilah’s music and that’s a very good thing.
Review Date: September 7 2024