Album, Single and EP Reviews



  I Hate Dystopian Futures by Dystopian Futures

I Hate Dystopian Futures cover art

Artist: Dystopian Futures
Title: I Hate Dystopian Futures
Catalogue Number: Visions Press
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2024

Four songs in less than the time it takes to make a tuna sandwich? It must be a punk thing for Scottish based band Dystopian Futures do indeed rattle through the four songs on their EP “I Hate Dystopian Futures” at a spirited pace.

However, despite the restricted running time, these four songs highlight that Dystopian Futures - Dave, Dmitrij, Neil & Scott apparently - are more than just purveyors of full on punk fury. Sure enough, the first track, - Smells Like Sancho” - does take it to the red line but then things get a bit theatrical and decorating the three remaining tracks with left field lyrics, dramatic intent and right angled tempo shifts makes things more than a bit interesting. So much so that by the time they get to “Pi In The Horse”, when Dystopian Futures have clearly decided to meander in ever increasing musical circles, the terminally suspicious might conclude that this is actually a side operation for some sort of psychedelically inclined arthouse band.

As for calling the EP “I Hate Dystopian Futures”? That has to be a deliberately ironic choice as no one with adventurous ears would hate Dystopian Futures. Available from Bandcamp and no doubt other digital sources.
Review Date: October 11 2024