It’s another day and I have the blues. Well not really, yet the blues are forever so everybody, including me, is likely to get the blues once in a while but, in the here and now, it is the musical genre known as the blues that will be getting my attention with “Let's Have a Drink” by Liquid & Bones providing the motivation for these words.
First impressions are important and the first impression here is that Liquid & Bones - Collin van den Broek, Loes Jongerling, Lotte Dijkstra and Marco Tinari - have got the feel right with this album. Their playing feels organic and respectful to the expectations of the genre with a selection of wisely chosen covers making the time pass in a most amiable manner. Add in some fluent guitar work, a couple of original songs styled to match and some endearingly understated vocals from Loes Jongerling and this album is as easy on any roots music enthusiast’s ears as you are likely to get these days.
“Let's Have a Drink” could accurately be described as a very traditional take on the blues yet, when the feel is as right as it is here, no one could rightly complain about the end result. The blues are indeed forever.