Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Species Du Faeces by Crash and The Crapenters

Species Du Faeces cover art

Artist: Crash and The Crapenters
Title: Species Du Faeces
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: Download
Release Year: 2025

Time is short and I’m a busy man so I appreciate it when a band can squeeze four songs into under eleven minutes and Crash and the Crapenters do just that with their EP “Species Du Faeces”.

Interestingly, whilst you might assume, given the time limitations, that they would stick to the same style for these four songs, Crash and The Crapenters aren’t that kind of band. Starting off with some punk American style moves, they then swap into a derivative deification of grunge before cranking up some old style, almost psychedelic, rock before bringing this EP to a close with some righteous post punk angularity complete with a guitar solo. Some might even call this art but only if they choose to ignore the consistency that is to be found in the lyrics that, collectively, contain a lot more angst than anger.

Four songs and all under three minutes each. Crash and The Crapenters know how to get to the point. Fortunately for us, their point is a sharply made.
Review Date: March 8 2025