Album, Single and EP Reviews



  B-Movie Beat by The Bad Detectives

B-Movie Beat cover art

Artist: The Bad Detectives
Title: B-Movie Beat
Catalogue Number: Western Star WSRC017
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2007

There is a thing called good, honest music out there. It is inevitably played by people (musicians are, after all, people too) who actually like what they do. This is indeed the case with this album from the Bad Detectives. It just bounces along with energy and humour.

Whilst it is not really a concept album, it does seem to be set - spiritually at least - in the fifties. Having said that, "Who Cut Your Hair?" is a testament to that classic haircut of the eighties that is commonly referred to as the mullet. For those of you who have not seen one, it was once fashionable amongst footballers and drummers but is now only sported by those who have never grown up.  Wry, almost surreal, humour abounds as the Cajun flavoured "Ralph the Diving Pig" shows and they even manage to parody the macho rock culture in "Double Neck Guitar" ("… makes you look like Jimmy Page"). Our favourite was a rather splendid bit of rock & roll that went by the unforgettable name of "I'm in Love with the Mole Man's Girl". Likewise, the closing song "Teenagers from Outer Space" is practically an anthem to the times when being a teenager was considerably less traumatic than it is today.

This band has that good natured feel that makes a BluesBunny smile. All too often nowadays, all the joy of making music gets removed. This album is simple good fun and that is enough for us to make a recommendation.  They may have been around a while but they have not forgotten how to have a good time.

The more we listened to it, the more we liked it. It's even got Albert Einstein on the back cover. Nice one!
Review Date: December 18 2011