A former editor once said that Bluesbunny was turning into the home of the eclectic. Even today, we like to think that are big floppy ears are open to all kinds of musical curiosities. One such curiosity was this release by Kirameki.
These are not so much songs as sound collages. It would probably have taken many man years to do this kind of thing in the days of analogue tape but we live in a digital Pro Tools age. Samples and the occasional bit of music are joined together to create 6 tracks of oddness. All the songs jump about madly but always include something familiar to keep your attention. "Exercises in Style" even throws in a reference to the Michael Zager Band, for example. "Bubblecar Pile Up" could be one of Ryuichi Sakamoto's early mood pieces whilst "Bunny & the Electric Horseman" sounds like a demented karaoke style take on the works of Michael Nyman. The title track itself reeks of discord and sonic disturbances. It's all bit confusing but actually manages to be intriguing at the same time.
Whether this is art or music is the question. Melody, harmonies and hooks are notable by their absence but the end result is nonetheless never less than interesting. One to ponder upon.
Available from Rack & Ruin Records.