Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Like a Candy by Lemon Juju

Like a Candy cover art

Artist: Lemon Juju
Title: Like a Candy
Catalogue Number: Other Girl Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2008

It must be a class thing. The kind of women that this Bluesbunny has wronged usually resort to violence rather than words. On this sometimes acidic album, Ms Cynsa Bonorris and Ms Alyn Kelley seem to seek to exorcise the demons that have inhabited their love lives.

Fortunately it is not an out and out revenge thing. There is a streak of sentimentality running through the songs that leaves you wondering why anyone would treat these women with anything other than respect. "Shape of Name" is elegant and passionate at the same time whilst a rather more political insight is evident on "Daddy's Boy". Sonically, things tend toward the twee pop side of things except that the usual purveyors of such music wear cardigans and rarely carry knives. You don't get wit as sharp as Lemon Juju do without a knife. Just as well I didn't forget to mention the tasteful harmonies that put a polish on the proceedings. There might have been consequences…

That's the thing about reviewing. I know that I should hate this album and consign it to the land of perpetual background music for nice people i.e. Starbucks but it is actually refreshing to hear some intelligent lyrics for a change. Enough to forgive not one but two ukuleles? I'll have to think about that one…

Available by worldwide mail order from CD Baby.
Review Date: September 8 2008