Album, Single and EP Reviews



  EP by Drew Gardner

EP cover art

Artist: Drew Gardner
Title: EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2008

Glasgow's own Drew Gardner has recently been throwing copies of his three-track EP at people. Luckily, a nice young lady chose to hand one to me. As such, it seemed reasonable to give the album a spin. So I did.

Forgiving the fact that the track listing on the album is erroneous, it is in fact an enjoyable listen. Contrary to what is indicated, the EP begins on "Reality", a track that benefits from Drew's high-pitched vocals and a simple melody. "Shake This from Me" is acoustic rock 'n' roll at its most basic. Essentially a pop song in less than three minutes, Gardner knows how to write a song. Finally, we get a bluesy turn on "It's An Education".
While not having the strongest voice around, Gardner succeeds in shaping his music around his capabilities instead of falsifying his voice. Gardner makes the most of very little on this EP, which is definitely worth obtaining. Something tells me that we haven't heard the last of Mr Gardner.
Review Date: October 26 2008